The development of code river area in Yogyakarta as a sustainable urban landscape asset acknowledging local traditional knowledge

Bambang Soemardiono*, Ardhyasa Fabrian Gusma

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


River Bank is an area which not only maintains the area's ecological functions but also exists as a potential public space which can be promoted as a natural recreation area for individual or groups. Regarding the Government Decree Nu 38 Year 2011, the river area is described as an area which maintains the functions of the river, by supporting its morphology, protecting the area against flood, providing habitat for flora and fauna, conserving water, as well as ensuring good micro climate quality. Code is a unique river spreading from northern to southern parts of Yogyakarta, whose natural landscape functions, especially in the urban area (sections 3 to 6), are deteriorating. The aesthetical landscape quality is high in Gemawang district. However, in other urban areas such as Keparakan, Tegal Panggung, Terban and Wirogunan (belonging to section 3 to section 6), we still find slums and low quality river areas. Code River is the urban landscape asset of Yogyakarta. Concerning its essential functions, efforts should be taken to conserve this area. This is expected to enhance the performance of spatial planning, which can improve the sustainability of the ecosystem in the city and its ecological functions. In this paper, through identifying the problems in deteriorating landscape functions and quality, it is indicated that public participation is not included in the holistic concept. Through the exploration of the criteria for creating a development concept, public participation is included. Focusing on land use and visual landscape, the concepts of spatial land use along the selected urban area of the Code River are created to improve the performance of sustainable urban landscape assets through the acknowledgment of local traditional knowledge.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4-18
Number of pages15
JournalInternational Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • Code river
  • Local wisdom
  • River banks
  • Sustainable urban la


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