The hydrodynamics performance of aquaculture fishing vessel in variation of deadrise angle and sponson

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2 Citations (Scopus)


Tuna is one of the most potential commodities for export activities in Indonesia. To increase the number of tuna fish exports, fish farming is a more recommended method than fishing at sea. The vessel can be used for fish farming activities by completing the cultivation technology on the ship loading chamber. To gain profit other than fish cultivation, the ship can also be functioned as a means of tourist transportation. The problem is the excessive ship motion or sea keeping can increase the risk of live fish transported to quickly die. Therefore, this research will innovate to produce ship design as a means of live fish farming and can also be used as a means of tourism for tourists. This study focuses on aquaculture hull design innovations with hydrodynamic analysis, such as ship resistance and seakeeping, by using numerical methods. The hull design of the ship will be varied based on deadrise angle and sponson form. Numerically, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is used for the calculation of ship resistance, while 3D Diffraction Panel Method for seakeeping calculations. From the analysis, the Deadrise angle of 5 degrees is appropriate to be applied to aquaculture fishing vessel, because the cargo hold capacity is enough and the resistance is good. The L/B ratio of the sponson selected is 10.0 which the roll damping coefficient is the best in the variation.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberIJMPERDAPR201829
Pages (from-to)263-272
Number of pages10
JournalInternational Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 30 Apr 2018


  • Computational fluid dynamic & Aquaculture fishing vessel
  • Dead rise angle
  • Sponson


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