The implementation of Binary Genetic Algorithm (BGA) for optimizing the task of Indonesian navy ship patrols related to the security of Indonesia seas

Pudji Santoso*, A. Ketut Buda, Masroeri, M. Isa Irawan, A. A.B. Dinariyana

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2 Citations (Scopus)


The purpose of these divisions was to get the fleet mix, the best ship in each zone with minimum operational cost for the maximum coverage area. The parameter used in this study was crossover probability (Pc< 75%) and mutational probabilty (Pm=0,1) that was conducted to 10-100 population, 500-1000 generations. The results of the simulation of 3 zones were; for 5 zone, the fleet mix obtained was {Z1=8; Z2=8; Z3=4; Z4=5; Z5=2}, for 7 zone, the fleet mix obtained was {Z1=4; Z2=4; Z3=4; Z4=2; Z5=4; Z6=3; Z7=3}, and for 9 zone, the fleet mix obtained was{Z1=2; Z2=3; Z3=2; Z4=7; Z5=4; Z6=2; Z7=2; Z8=3; Z9=2}, and based on the comparison of the width of the coverage area and the operational cost between those zones, the most ideal implementation was 9 zones because it had 1.686.803.53 Mile2 for its coverage area and its operational cost was IDR 4,164,270,892.

This paper discussed the concept of decision making on the model of sea security system to overcome the cases related to territorial trespasses by foreign countries in the east maritime region of Indonesia. The most common cases are illegal fishing, illegal logging, and borders trespasses. In order to find an apt strategy in minimazing the trespasses in this area, this study conducted a simulation on the task for ship patrol using optimized method called Binary Genetic Algorithm (BGA). This model was used to select the optimized ship patrol combination in each zone with 3 scenes that were 5, 7 and 9 zones.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)247-253
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2014


  • BGA
  • Decision making
  • Fleet mix
  • Zone


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