The inconsistency of land use along the 10 m river buffer of East Kalibaru, Jakarta

G. Prayoga*, L. Siahaan, F. S. Firmansyah, T. A. Mufawwaz, Liyantono, Y. A. Supalal, Rahmawati, N. R.A.R. Samputra

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The East Kalibaru River extends from Depok/South Jakarta to northern Jakarta. Visually, the riverbank is crowded with settlements, even though the Ministerial Regulation of Public Works and Housing Number 28 Years 2015 has regulated the River Boundary Line, where rivers must have a 10 m wide buffer zone. This study aims to reveal the inconsistency of land use along the 10 m river buffer of East Kalibaru using a quantitative and qualitative descriptive approach using spatial data, river hydrology, and river water quality status for the analysis process. The river was categorized into three segments (upstream, midstream, and downstream). Using ArcGIS, delineation was carried out along the 10 m river buffer of East Kalibaru and then overlaid with land use data, resulting in land use type suitability. Land use suitability was evaluated by calculating the percentage of land area based on compliance with the regulations. The inconsistency of land use along the 10 m river buffer of East Kalibaru amounted to 46.25% (26.21 ha). The most significant land use inconsistency occurred in the midstream segment (68.24% or 13.23 ha), whereas the best was found in the downstream segment (26.54% or 4.36 ha). Residential and office & trade land use types dominate the inconsistency of land use. Residential areas are mainly found in the midstream segment, with an area reaching 47.42% or 9.19 ha. The government should gradually be disciplined the 46.25% inconsistent area because the river buffers must have 100% suitable land use to optimize the function of the river boundary.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012014
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2023
Externally publishedYes
Event3rd International Seminar of Natural Resources and Environmental Management 2023, ISeNREM 2023 - Hybrid, Bogor, Indonesia
Duration: 27 Jul 202328 Jul 2023


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