
Alumina was leached from red mud by hidrometalurgy method. Alumina from red mud was leached by desilication process, separation of iron oxide process, and formation of alumina salt process. Residu of each step was characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray flourence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX). From X-ray diffraction result. The composition of red mud from Bintan was determined by characterization process with X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray flourence (XRF) that show red mud from Bintan contains hematite (Fe2O3), gibbsite (Al(OH)3), boehmite (γ-AlO(OH)), anatase (TiO2) dan quartz (SiO2). After desilication process, SiO2 on residue of red mud were collected 38.85 wt.%. From separation of iron oxide process, the residue of leaching process was Fe2O3 81.80 wt.%. The product from formation of alumina salt process was characterized by scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive x-ray analysis (EDX) that showed the leaching process of alumina from red mud had element oxygen and aluminium in its salt amounted to 64.94 wt.% and 26.40 wt.%. The product could be the source of alumina to synthesis of mesoporous alumina.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012036
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 18 Dec 2019
EventUniversitas Riau International Conference on Science and Environment 2019, URICSE 2019 - Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Duration: 10 Sept 2019 → …


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