Utilizing the Uniqueness of Blood-seashell (Anadara granosa) as an Alternative Acoustics Material for a Diffuser Panels

Dita Aulia Alfianti*, S. Suyatno, Bachtera Indarto, Susilo Indrawati

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Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Anadara granosa is a very popular seashell in Indonesia which is known as blood-seashell. According to Direktorat Jendral Perikanan Tangkap Indonesia in 2012, 48 ton of seashell were fished. Seashell mainly used for food, thus making the shell that can't be eaten as a waste. The waste from the seashell has become a major problem, specially at Kenjeran beach in Surabaya. Basically, any material can be used as a diffuser as long as the materials' surface is not flat. The diffuser panels made have 0.6x0.6m dimension, with varied size of shells used, which are small, medium, and large. So, this experiment utilizes the original form of blood-seashellswhich shape is like a half sphere. This experimental investigation is performed to find out the scattering coefficients and scattering pattern of diffuser made from blood-seashell. The experiment carried out with reference to the ISO 17497 method. Based on scattering coefficient values, the best diffusers' performance isthe diffuser panel with small sized blood-seashell. According to the results, the scattering coefficients for each blood-seashells' size have same pattern of value while the scattering pattern for each blood-seashells' size is best at frequency of 1000 Hz.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)261-265
Number of pages5
JournalProcedia Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 2017
EventEngineering Physics International Conference, EPIC 2016 - Bandung, Indonesia
Duration: 7 Sept 201610 Sept 2016


  • Anadara granosa
  • diffuser
  • scattering


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