Value engineering: Application in avtur pipeline work at juanda international airport

Kustamar, Maranatha Wijayaningtyas, Muhammad Irfan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Value engineering is applied to find alternatives for more appropriate costs than those previously planned, within the framework of functions, structural strength and the quality of work; it employs an evaluation method to analyze the technique and value of a project, of which the purpose is to seek new alternatives for more efficient costs within the framework of functions, as well as a task-planning stage capable of identifying and optimalizing costs and unnecessary efforts. The objective of this study was to obtain the most effective and efficient alternative type of work through value engineering applied to the engineering, procurement, and Avtur pipeline construction projects at Juanda International Airport, as well as to calculate the projects’ cost saving and percentage. This research employed a descriptive survey method and technical primary data obtained from the project, such as the technical specification drawing (bestek), budget estimation and cost planning (In Indonesia it’s called Rancangan Anggaran Biaya. or abbreviated as RAB), as well as work plan and conditions (In Indonesia it’s called Rencana Kerja dan Syarat-syarat. or abbreviated as RKS). Furthermore, this research also used secondary data - supporting data which can be used as input and reference in conducting value engineering analysis; this includes unit price lists and worker analysis, data of materials, heavy equipment data, labor data. Ministry regulations, and other useful data. Based on the analysis results, it was revealed that after applying value engineering to the engineering, procurement, and Avtur pipeline construction projects at Juanda International Airport, the effective and efficient material and method used was drilling using HDD (Horizontal Directional Drilling). The initial design’s cost of installing aviation pipe at Juanda airport using iron sheet pile required 20% higher cost compared to without using it. while using HDD for drilling required was 40% cheaper cost; in conclusion, it was far more economical, and saved 40% cost of life cycle calculated under the assumption that it was for 10 years of use.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1092-1096
Number of pages5
JournalInternational Journal of Scientific and Technology Research
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • Airport
  • HDD
  • Saving Cost
  • Saving Time
  • Value Engineering


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