Visualizing Academic Experts on a Subject Domain Map of Cartographic-Alike

Diana Purwitasari*, Rezky Alamsyah, Dini Adni Navastara, Chastine Fatichah, Surya Sumpeno, Mauridhi Hery Purnomo

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


Visualizing bibliographic information aids academician users to gain insights into science mapping, and then to define the next research plans. This paper focused on expert visualization to make users utilizing their cognitive skills to comprehend science mapping by exploring experts and domain expertise. To address the comprehension problem, we represented the knowledge domain and the involving players or academic experts in a visual approach of cartographic-alike. First, to generate a base map of standardized knowledge domains, we identified semantic relatedness through word embedding on collected metadata texts of articles according to Scopus subject areas. Then, the expert coordinates were obtained after transforming article metadata with the base map and the articles were labeled with subject domains. To make it cartographic-alike, subject domain color on the map was set, where darker areas indicated more experts had interests in the particular subjects, while blended colors demonstrated mixed subjects. The experiments required two semi-manually collected datasets of Domain Data and Researcher Data in the forms of Scopus metadata. Our findings on the embedding process showed that labeling articles, and hence, experts gave a better performance with training on 1st tier Scopus subject areas of four domains compared to 2nd tiers of 26 sub-domains to avoid over-mixed subjects in the article contents. The visual result of the cartographic colored map had encouraged the respondents to explore the research interest of the experts. After observing the color blended map, users could be expected to initiate crossed domain collaboration plans.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvances in Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences - Proceedings of IC4S 2019
EditorsSanjiv K. Bhatia, Shailesh Tiwari, Su Ruidan, Munesh Chandra Trivedi, K. K. Mishra
PublisherSpringer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
Number of pages13
ISBN (Print)9789811544088
Publication statusPublished - 2021
EventInternational Conference on Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences, IC4S 2019 - Bangkok, Thailand
Duration: 11 Oct 201912 Oct 2019

Publication series

NameAdvances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
ISSN (Print)2194-5357
ISSN (Electronic)2194-5365


ConferenceInternational Conference on Computer, Communication and Computational Sciences, IC4S 2019


  • Article labeling
  • Subject domain map
  • Visualizing experts
  • Word embedding


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